Thursday, November 26, 2020

Fact #1 Very Young Looking Taiwan Family

Fact #1 Very Young Looking Taiwan Family

क्या आप जानते है?💡

ताइवान के इस परिवार को "The Family Of Frozen Ages" कहा 

जाता है जो अपनी जवान त्वचा के लिए मशहूर है.इस फोटो में बीच में 

63 वर्षीय मां है और उनके आसपास उनकी बेटियां 41 वर्षीय Luren 

Hsu(right) और Sharon(left) 36 वर्षीय है.

Do You Know?💡

The Taiwanese family is called "The Family of Frozen Ages"

which is famous for its young skin. In this photo, the middle is a

63-year-old mother and her daughters around them are 41-year-

old Lure Hsu (right) and Sharon (left) Is 36 years old.

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